Dalila de Sousa Gomes - UiS / Photo: DrillWell
Dalila de Sousa Gomes -UiS / Photo: DrillWell

interview with a DrillWell researcher

Name: Dalila de Sousa Gomes
Age: 33
Nationality: Brazilian
Education: Bachelor in Chemical Engineering, Master degree in Mechanical Engineering.  PhD student at University of Stavanger, Institute of Petroleum technology.  

Department: Petroleum engineering - University of Stavanger
Hi Dalilia, what are you working on right now? 
I work on kick tolerance simulation / Gas kick migration. During the last semester, I have worked in the improvement of a numerical code for gas kick simulation in water-based mud. The improvement comprised the implementation of stochastic modelling which is a tool to incorporate uncertainty and give a better overview of the process. There is also an innovative aspect, since the stochastic methodology used with a transient flow model is something new. This code was used to perform kick tolerance studies. 

Why do you find this interesting?
It is inspiring to work in an innovative project. This project is also multidisciplinary, which makes it very interesting.  It involves statistics, programming, petroleum engineering and chemistry, which totally fits my background both academically and with respect to working experience. It is gratifying to put my skills in practice. I would also like to add that the environment at UiS is very nice and the other people involved in the project are very competent and collaborative. I am also glad to be working in a project which has the potential of solving some technical issues currently faced by the industry. 

You work in close collaboration with the oil and gas industry, would you say this adds any extras to the project?
Yes, a lot. I like being in contact with the industry and align my research with its needs. This way I know that my work will have practical applications. Besides, I believe that having people with different backgrounds enriches the project and that great scientific advances can be achieved when academia and industry work together.

Do you see yourself working within oil and gas in ten years’ time? If yes, doing what? 
I definitely see myself in the oil and gas field. Regarding the activity I will be performing in the future, I am not sure now. I really like to work with this subject and I love research. However, I prefer to be open to other possibilities suited to my profile and evaluate the opportunities as they appear in my career.